Of course, I had to get a fleece from Kisikanaree Jacobs. They give their animals the best names! Last year, I had fleece from Hector and Icepick (guess Icepick's father's name) and this year it is Lovely Jubbly.

We got some beautiful duck eggs that are the most lovely shade of green. I bought a couple of ounces of Angora bunny fur from the nice folks at Cobblerock Ridge farm and some luscious locks from Blue by Ewe farm.
The show seemed a little smaller than it has in years past but there was still plenty to see. We caught a little of the 4H sheep show and looked at all kinds of pretty fibery things. As usual, I regret failing to purchase a couple of things. There was a booth with most of the colors of Shetland and the fleeces were so pretty. There was some of the nicest Coopworth that I've ever seen at another booth. Oh well...........
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