Been Knittin'
I haven't posted too much this year. I have been knitting. A lot. Although I have been knitting for about 50 years (no kidding), I am not a particularly dedicated knitter nor am I particularly talented. Wools, yarns and spinning wheels interest me more. Well, I signed up for a class at The Sheep Shack in Holden, MA, back in January and I am still going. I've completed 1.5 a pair of socks, a whole sweater (that is actually wearable!!!), a hat, half a shawl. 1/4 of a sweater and about 1/30th of another sweater. I have learned so much and have so much more to learn but I'm really enjoying myself. Sadly, I haven't spun much but I think these knitting classes will come in handy when DH retires in a couple of years. Clearly, I haven't conquered the problem of having too many projects going at once.

Oh, and we got a puppy.
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