
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Drum Carder Motor

shaft coupler
I have a new to me Pat Green carder and I really wanted to add a motor to it. After looking around, I saw someone using a pasta machine motor. Brilliant!!! So, I bought one and found a coupler that would join the shaft of the pasta machine motor to the shaft of the drum carder handle (had to remove the handle proper so that the shaft could be accessed). The problem? Well, the pasta machine motor won't go in reverse nor does it disengage so the carder drum can roll backwards for batt removal. Thus, you have to loosen the set screws and remove the coupler. Ugh. That's much worse that having to hand crank the carder; especially the Pat Green because it is so well balanced.

Then, I tried a power drill. It would have been great except for the fact that those things run at a super high rpm (duh!!!) So,  I did a  little more research, and for those who'd like to try it, a sewing machine motor and pulley system should work (take the drum carder handle off and attach a pulley). The pasta machine motor works but taking out those little screws is much harder than than just turning the crank.  I'm letting this project go for two reasons: first, the Pat Green carder is super easy to crank and second, moving the carder to an ergonomically correct height has minimized the discomfort (make that, pain) that I had been getting with the machine on a lower table.

If you want to try either of these ideas, a couple of notes are in order. I'd recommend getting your drum carder on an appropriate table before attempting to motorize it. You may find, as I did, that a higher table makes all the difference.  Also, if you need to buy a coupler, be sure to get one that is intended to transfer torque, usually called a shaft coupler. There are myriad couplers but not all are intended for an application like the one described here.

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